Huisman 動揺制御システムの動画

Huismanから同社の多くの装置に導入されてきた動揺制御ソリューション(Motion Compensation Solution)の動画がリリースされました。


今後の洋上風力発電の据付事業においては、この波の動きによる揺れを打ち消す(動揺制御、Motion Compensation)技術がプロジェクトの成功と収益性確保の鍵となると考えており、Huismanではその豊富な動揺制御技術における経験を多様な装置に適用し提供させていただきます。

To meet growing global ambitions for offshore wind, we are going to have to go both farther and deeper, carrying out installations, with larger, heavier components, in all kinds of conditions. Huisman’s motion compensated equipment meets these logistical challenges, both safely and efficiently and with the right capabilities needed for high workability. The focused, efficient designs ensure each piece of equipment will compensate the motions it encounters in the task at hand.

Motion compensation is going to be a crucial factor in the success and profitability of projects. Huisman applies its experience of motion compensation to a diverse range of equipment that makes future offshore wind installation operations possible.